In-Person Envision Days Back up and Running

By Maggie Provencal ‘25

Photo by Tidiane Thiam ‘24

Envision Day is back in-person for the first time since the Spring of 2020. For the past few years, the event has been online for the most part due to the Covid 19 pandemic and students could not get the authentic NMH experience. However, prospective students were able to revisit NMH in person this year on three different occasions from the end of March to the beginning of April. They got to know the school more through various activities, tours, sitting in on classes, and interacting with current students.

"I think that this year NMH has done the best that they have since I've been here," said Mackenzie Graham, '23. Graham has been a tour guide for three years and believes that the in-person aspects give prospective students the best understanding of what NMH is truly like. 

Mackenzie added, "I like to be able to see the next generation of students that are going to be coming in at an age, and you never know if they'll actually end up coming here." The enjoyment of meeting prospective students excites Mackenzie as a tour guide, especially during the now in-person Envision Days. 

Rachel Huynh '25, among many others, has come to tour NMH during its Envision Day in 2021. In the past few years, NMH had online classes sometimes; similarly, Envision Day was also virtual. Huynh did Envision Day on Zoom and a campus drive-through tour. 

"I did a virtual tour online, but I feel like that it in no way helped me understand the feeling of the campus." Most students couldn't attend the drive-through tour, but as a day student near campus, Huynh got the opportunity to. 

"The first thing that I noticed was how open the campus was," Huynh said. The in-person tour gave her and some other students who lived nearby a closer look into campus life. 

Despite the difficulties NMH faced the last few years during Envision Days amid the COVID-19 pandemic, they found solutions through virtual tours, zoom meetings, and allowing people to drive through campus, which allowed prospective students to envision themselves in the NMH community. However, this year's Envision Day allowed prospective students and families to observe classes, campus life, and many more activities on campus. 


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